Anti-conformist expressionist painter

Solomon Rossine is the artistic name that Albert Solomonovich Rozin took in the midst of the 1960's while he worked as a school teacher in one of the villages in Arkhangelsk Region. That time had been had been defined the basic subjects of his art that was close to the aesthetics of Non-conformism.
Solomon Rossine aspires to understand the drama of the Russian history of the 20th century as the reflection of the dark and tragic sides of the universe and its deep incomprehensible essence. A humiliated and suffering "little man" whose image frequently appears in the artist’s works is able to turn into the majestic or tragic hero. The sensation of anxiety conveys the emotional manner of painting, the contrasting combinations of colours, deformations and displacements of forms. It is no mere chance that many of the presented works may be apprehended as the spiritual self-portraits of the master who reflects on the fate of a lonely and unprotected man in the huge world.

"In Russia, the sun does not always shine. A strong wind drives the yellow leaves along the earth and a threatening motif wobbles through the tall firs, like strings. This is vulnerability. That which is dear, that which is beautiful, that which is a stunning revelation."

See What’s New and Inspiring
Check out past & upcoming exhibitions of Rossine's work.

Peindre Pour Vivre...
'Painting to Live...'
July 1 - September 3
Espace Nominoë
Place de la Cathédrale
Dol-de-Bretagne, 35120
Vernisage July 1 at 16:00
Cinq Pains
Deux Poissons
'Five Loaves of Bread
Two Fish'
July - August
Galerie En Escalier du Cathedraloscope
Biennale Autun
July 15 - 25
Solomon Rossine will be presented as the honorary featured artist at the Biennial of Sacred Art in the town of Autun (71400) in the region of Bourgogne.​

‘Family Readings’
Exhibition in the gallery Point-Virgule, Langueux, Bretange
'From the Urals to Brittany'
Exhibition in the gallery Atelier du Passe-Partout, Saint Brieuc, Bretagne